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Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Very Bad, No Good Day

Last night was a continuation of the bedtime issues. I swear when I walked in to her room for the 50th time last night she looked at me and "Hell no, I won't go!" or maybe that was the sheer exhaustion. In the bedtime struggle she has shown to be unbelievably stubborn. We have had this issue before but stubborn and mobile is getting to be a challenge. At 10:30pm last night I went on Amazon and placed the order for the books (while holding my whimpering, exhausted baby under my arms like a football). It has already shipped and should arrive on Monday. If Sam doesn't right herself over the next 2 nights while I am gone we will have some work to do next week.

Yes, I said "over the next 2 nights while I am gone". I leave this morning for a work trip and don't get home until Saturday night. I have had one overnight away from Sam back in April. That trip (also for work) only lasted about 36 hours from good-bye smooch to hello smooch). This one will probably clock in at about 60 hours. Saying good-bye this morning was awful. Just for me, because poor Sam has no idea that her mother is abandoning her for the next two days.

Send good thoughts KC's way. Since he is without the boob (works like a charm every time) he is at a clear disadvantage. He does have Grandma home now so between the 2 of them Sam will have a great time. She may not even notice that I am gone...

I am sure I will update when I return home. After giving my daughter about a thousand and one kisses.


Christina said...

I'm so sorry to hear that last night was so rough! Have a safe trip, and you'll be back before you know it (relax with a margarita or two and try to enjoy yourself as much as possible)!

Kara said...

1. KC is SO LUCKY to be married to your hot skinny ass
2. I'm comin' up there soon - i think she needs the back rub! works like a charm! (besides the boob) and actually you need the back rub along with 'shhh' together

I'm so sorry that you're having a tough time with miss sam - i'm bad at this parenting thing (seeing as how i only have kids for part of the day - from august to may - and brandon doesn't really count) but I'll try my best!

good luck, I love you and miss you much!
you'll be home before you know it!