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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hitting the Bottle

First, let me start off by saying that I know sharing parenting opinion/criticisms is a touchy topic to write about. Especially since I had SO many preconceived notions of what I would and wouldn't do as a parent. As my mom has said numerous times to me "You are the best parent in the world until you have kids". Feeding is an especially is a tough topic and what works for one person may not work for another. (Nursing versus formula is one of the first things on my "Things to NOT discuss if ever invited to a dinner party" list. I told you I have lists for everything.) OK, with that said I'll get to my question.

1.) When should a baby put down the bottle and pick up the sippy cup? I mean put down the bottle for good. Sam already drinks out of a sippy cup with meals but takes 2 bottles during the day at Emily's.

I am not OK with seeing this a few years from now. In my opinion she is one of the best dressed babies but the bottle she totes everywhere certainly knocks her down a few pegs.

Of course, now that I have shared my distaste for the bottle at 2+ years Sam will surely be drinking out of one on her way to nursery school.

1 comment:

mamalouise said...

You are too funny! I love this post!! Per my pediatrician its at one year that I should be done with the bottle business. You are doing better than I that you are at least doing "one bottle" in a sippy with meals. I am working on weaning him but we shall see how long it takes!