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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Under Pressure...

I read this statistic the other day and it freaked me out about being a parent and shaping my child (aka permanently warping her).

"In the first five years of life, 85 percent of the brain is developed," said Armstrong, the psychologist who examined Danielle. "Those early relationships, more than anything else, help wire the brain and provide children with the experience to trust, to develop language, to communicate. They need that system to relate to the world."

Not only does it make me doubt 90% of what I am doing it makes me think of the million other things I should be doing. I was already a little concerned that since I still work full-time (sigh) I wasn't spending enough time with her period. Not even factoring in that I should be working on baby sign language, or vocabulary, or shapes, colors, numbers, letters, the list goes on and on. I promised myself I wouldn't be all crazy about things like classical music classes at 3 months but I should be focusing on the basics, right?

And then I worry, does she get enough hugs? Will it inspire self confidence? Does she get so many she won't be independent? If I always cave to her will she get spoiled? If I don't will she feel unloved? (At this point it is completely fine to think I am bonkers. KC is used to this and knows how to deal with me when I go a little crazy. Again, a lucky, lucky guy.)

If there was a step-by-step manual this would be so much easier.

Am I the only parent freaking out about this?


Christina said...

No, you are not alone! I think about this stuff all the time. I think it's normal to worry about this stuff. It's such a responsibility it's just overwhelming, but Sam is such a sweet little girl and she has two awesome parents!!

mamalouise said...

I promise you are not the only one!! I worry about it all the time because I feel as though mommies around me are constantly doing more than I am (so therefore I feel like a slacker-and I don't work so add on more guilt). But...I also am a true believer in allowing them to be babies. I am quite positive if you asked your mom about that stuff she would tell you that they didn't worry about any of it and we all turned out smart, talented, etc. :) Its a give and take for sure! I have quit reading about anything baby by the way! I only refer to something if I absolutely need it. :)

Laura said...

Thanks guys! It's nice to know I am not the only one who worries about this stuff. I guess I just have to keep doing the best I can and hope that she turns out great!